Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Saying goodbye to the year

The year is almost up! 

This was an intense year for the country and the world. 
Much to the consolation of many that the year is almost over and hopes for a brighter and fresh new year are hours away.
We look back before ushering the new year in thankfulness and gratefulness for having survived it.
We are thankful for our health, a place to live, food, tea, new friends, old friends, family and relationships.

Thanksgiving gives us the opportunity to be thankful while in the midst of getting to the feasting table that as soon as the linens are washed and the turkey carcass is in the soup pot we forget, as we drift into the Christmas season.
But new year's eve gives us another opportunity to put right our thoughts, deeds and attitudes that may have slipped away in the hustle and bustle of preparing for the joyous Christmas season.
We are looking forward to putting the old for the new.

On this eve, we have much to be thankful for. 
We are thankful for having had the time to write on the blog and to continue to correspond to many regarding tea.
Thankful that having the interest in tea has gotten us through some tough situations and moments when the only cure for the ills are the things that can refocus your mind.

We are also thankful to the new readers and look forward to newer encounters.
We thank all those who have taken the time to read the blog and follow it.

We are currently, re-doing the online store and hope to have it up and running again with fresh and new inventory the latest by Spring 2014.
We hope that our readers and visitors will continue to follow the blog.

We render our best wishes to all and that you will take time, perhaps over a cup of tea to look back, to be thankful for and make peace with the past before ushering the New Year 2014.

Wishing all warm cups of tea throughout the New Year.

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

A Very Blessed and Joyous Christmas

Wishing all my readers and passerby a very Merry and Happy Christmas to you and yours.

Winter is Coming - Ginger Tisane

 The warmth of summer is slowly fleeing as the September nights and mornings hint at the coming of winter. Ginger tisanes are perfect to pr...