Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Guest Tea Review by C. Connelly

I would like to comment on the three teas I sampled from The Republic of Tea, the English Breakfast, Peppermint Bark and the Pumpkin Spice.

Peppermint Bark: The added Stevia leaf was alien to me and although the taste and after taste improved with extended brewing, about ten minuets, I found it dominating and not being a sweet tea drinker this was my least favorite but I feel could be easily redeemed, for me, by eliminating the sweet leaf.

Pumpkin Spice: Well balanced, blended and acceptable as a Holiday tea. I took the liberty of adding it to a mulled apple cider about 50/50 and the outcome was remarkable. Something I would buy at a store, pre-made and really enjoy around this time of year.

English Breakfast: Being raised in a Canadian Irish home Barry's Tea is what I grew up with and this full blend was somewhat familiar to me. A little stronger then the English Teas. This tea took me back to my childhood even to the point I added whole milk about 70% tea and 30% milk (warmed together) and was reminisce of cold Canadian winters and the tea my mother would serve us after spending hours on the homemade hockey rink. My favorite of the three.

By C. Connelly December 24th 2014

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