The terminal shoots with 2 or 3 leaves are collected, every week or every other week.
They can be heated immediately to stop any fermentation, this provides green tea, or they can be rolled and fermented for several hours before being oven heated and dried, this provides the black tea.
Tea Plant - Camellia Sinensis
Scientific Classification
Division: Magnoliaphyta
Class : Magnoliopsida
Division: Magnoliaphyta
Class : Magnoliopsida
Order : Ericales
Family : Theaceae
Genus : Camellia
Species : Sinensis
Binomial Name: Camellia Sinensis
Native to Southeast Asia
Climate Tropical/subtropical
Evergreen plants
Teas - Camellia Sinensis :
- oolong
- green
- black
Has a flowery scent and taste.
Camellia Sinensis Assamica
Prefers lowland growing
Higher yields
Most Indian and Sri Lankan teas are from this variety.
Has a malty and earthy scent and taste.
Camellia Sinensis Sinensis:
Most tea plants in china are of this variety.
They are the various cross breeds of the latter two breeds.
Camellia Sinensis Parvifolia:
This is a Cambodian variety.
Cultural Practices:
The Tea bush prefers an acid soil rich in organic matter.
The Tea bush prefers an acid soil rich in organic matter.
Blooming Habits:
The 1.5 inches-wide fragrant white flowers come in the fall.
They are generally self-sterile and are pollinated by insects.
The 1.5 inches-wide fragrant white flowers come in the fall.
They are generally self-sterile and are pollinated by insects.
The 1.5 inches-wide fragrant white flowers come in the fall.
They are generally self-sterile and are pollinated by insects.
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