This legendary tea that bears the name Big Red Robe was given this name during the Tang dynasty when the Emperor’s mother was healed from her ailment by drinking the tea.
The emperor later sent men out to cover the tea bushes with silken red robes as a grand imperial tribute.
This is a rare tea and supplies will last only a short while.
Smell: Nutty and rich
Color: deep amber with a red tinge, aged redwood
Taste: smooth, nutty, slippery, moistening, bursts with flavor
Body: medium
Liquor: medium
Stay: clean and clear, moistening to the mouth
Leaf: whole, large, twisted and long
Conclusion: Excellent tea for digestion.
It stimulates the salivary glands in the mouth, keeping the mouth moist and quenches the thirst.
Subsequent brews were richer in flavor.
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