This is a scented black tea from the Wuyi region of Fujian province in China.
These Souchong varietals are one of the more favored teas due to its processing methods.
The tea leaves are laid out to be dried over pine and cedar fire.
It is then pan-fried, rolled and oxidized.
The final step is the tea is then left to fully dry in bamboo baskets over burning pine.
This Lapsang Souchong has an incredible smoky scent and flavor.
Color: Dark reddish amber
Smell: Smokey, pine, with slight camphorous overtones,
draws deep with woody hints
Taste: Smooth and woody
Body: Strong, thick and steady viscosity, full
Liquor: Full and dark, coats the entire mouth draws the liquor into the chest
Stay: Lingers in the mouth, but the smoky pine draws deep into the digestive organs.
Tannins are almost non-existent in the mouth
Leaf: Cut, small twists, fermented and roasted
Conclusion: This is an exquisite breakfast tea – particularly for a late breakfast or brunch.
It has no bitter tannins- almost un-noticeable.
It wakes up the senses and the taste buds with a punch – enlivening, moreover it has a great capacity to neutralize flavors after a good meal.
The tea is alive with flavor and stirs the mind to think clearly but renders calmness.

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