Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Water and tea

Water is the mother of tea.

Before quality tea is good water.
Spring water is the best water for tea brewing.
Taste tests your water if you are unsure.


Use filtered or purified water.
Spring water is best because it has a natural mineral content that is neither too hard nor too soft.

Distilled water is not recommended.
Distilled water is completely purified of its mineral content, consequently will produce a flat tasting infusion.
Water can enhance or destroy the flavor of tea.

Boiling water
Traditionally, a charcoal fire that produces no smoke was the kind of element used to boil water for tea.
An electric kettle will suffice for us.
Ideally, the kettle should be small to medium size, made of earthenware, glass or stainless steel.

Water for tea boils in three stages.
• 1st stage is when tiny bubbles appear accompanied by a slight singing of the kettle.
Traditionally called shrimp eyes, small bubbles mostly starting from the bottom and slowly rising to the top.

 • 2nd stage, the bubbles are larger.

Traditionally called crab eyes.
It has medium size bubbles

•3rd stage, which is the final stage is when the singing of the kettle stops and the water achieves vigorous rolling boil, and steam is emitted from the spout.
Traditionally called lobster eyes as the bubbles are larger and emerge to the top of the kettle rapidly.

• The final stage must not be prolonged.

Do not over boil the water.
This is commonly known as a rolling boil.
Fresh boiled water should be used for each infusion of tea.

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